Writing A Great Podcast Intro Script

I get a lot of questions from podcasters looking to create the perfect podcast intro script. Sometimes they are hiring me to provide the voice over or even produce the entire intro. Other times, I have clients who will be providing the vocals but want me to take care of the music, effects, and production. I do offer podcast intro script writing services, but this is something that many podcasters can take care of themselves. Sometimes people ask me for an example of a great podcast intro script or some guidelines for what should go in there.

I have written a post called, "Podcast Intros, Catching Your Listeners Attention," which goes in depth into what makes a great intro but here, I am going to focus on the script itself. As I wrote in the previous post, there are a couple of different ways to approach the intro. But, for the purposes of this post, let's look at the anatomy of a simple, single intro that covers everything.

Honestly, there are some great podcasts that break all the rules and create an intro that is nothing like this. They may not even use an intro at all. But for those who are looking for the basics, a great podcast intro script will feature the following elements, welcome, show information, and host introduction. Let's look closer at each element.

Podcast Intro Script Part 1: Welcome

The welcome is the first part of your podcast intro script.

The welcome is the first part of your podcast intro script.

These are the very first words your listener is going to hear, so make them count. You have watched and listened to enough programs on TV, radio, and the web to know how this goes, "Welcome to the Insert Your Show Name Here Podcast." There are a bunch of variations on this theme.

  • Welcome to the Insert Your Show Name Here Podcast

  • It's time for the Insert Your Show Name Here Podcast

  • Get ready for the Insert Your Show Name Here Podcast

  • You are now listening to the Insert Your Show Name Here Podcast

Those are just a few possible variations. If you don't refer to your podcast as a podcast, there are other variations, like:

  • Welcome to the Insert Your Show Name Here Show

  • It's time for Insert Your Show Name Here

  • Get ready for another edition of  Insert Your Show Name Here

You can also get creative with this part if you want to add some distinctive flair. For instance, my intro starts with "Live from the Pro Voice Guy Studios in San Antonio, Texas." I am not sure why I added it, but I like it.

Podcast Intro Script Part 2: Information

Share information about your show in your podcast intro script.

Share information about your show in your podcast intro script.

"What is this podcast about?" It’s a fair question that you should address in your podcast intro script. Some podcasters really struggle with this. Having worked with a few podcasters on this issue, I have found two possible reasons. Sometimes, they really don't know what their show is about. This is not usually a good sign. Other times, they have just never needed to express it in short form. Every podcaster who wants more listeners should be able to explain their show in one or two sentences. Think of it as your elevator pitch. If you are on an elevator and someone says, "Oh, you have a podcast? What is it about?" you should be able to sell it before one of you gets to your floor. My show pitch has two versions, the single floor ride, "It's a podcast about podcasting," and the skyscraper version, "It's a podcast designed to help people get started with podcasting or make improvements to their current podcast."

If someone is listening to your podcast, they don't want to listen to a long explanation of what your show is about. They just want to know, and then (hopefully) they want to listen to the show.

Podcast Intro Script Part 3: Host Introduction

The final piece of your podcast intro script is introducing the host.

The final piece of your podcast intro script is introducing the host.

The final piece is introducing the host or hosts of the show. For those who watch a lot of late night TV, this is where the announcer shows off their vocal prowess and often extends the host name into a nearly comically long version. Yours doesn't need to do that. It just needs to inform the listener who is going to be talking and provide a nice transition into the show. There a couple of different approaches to this depending on how much you need to say about yourself or the host. Many times it is okay just to offer your name. Other times, it might be helpful to add some credibility by sharing some extra information or credentials. This is especially true if the host has some claim to be an expert in the field and isn't already widely known for that. For instance, if your podcast is about a medical topic and you happen to be a doctor that specializes in that field, or if it is about marketing and you have extensive experience, these would be good things to share.

Once you have figured that out, there are a lot of formats that can get this done.

  • "And now, please welcome your host, Your Name Here, (optionally: Your Credentials.)"

  • "Here is your host, Your Name Here, (optionally: Your Credentials.)"

  • "Let's get started, here is, (optionally: Your Credentials) Your Name Here."

Okay. Since some people are just looking for some podcast intro scripts that they can copy, paste, and revise, I am going to put together a couple based on these elements. I am going to create them using my information so I can stop typing "Your Name Here."

Podcast Intro Script 1

Welcome to the Pro Voice Guy Podcast, a show about helping your podcast sound great. Here is your host, voice over talent and podcast producer, Will Rice.

Podcast Intro Script 2

It's time for another episode of the Pro Voice Guy Podcast, a podcast about podcasting, and now, your host, Will Rice.

Podcast Intro Script 3

Live from the Pro Voice Guy Studios in San Antonio, Texas, this is the Pro Voice Guy Podcast, a show about helping your podcast sound great. Please welcome your host, Will Rice.

A Final Word

Your podcast intro script can be as unique as your show is. These are just some ideas to help you get started. What you come up with is only limited by your creativity.

If you need help with writing, need a voice, or need a fully produced podcast intro, I would love to help. Head over to my podcast intro page for more information.


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